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Step 5 A “family tree” of folders on your computer appears. Start at the top of the tree by double clicking on the drive letter (c:\ in this example). Double click on the first level folder in the path to your photo (in this case igdata_sets)
Sub folders in that folder will be shown. Keep double clicking down the family tree until you locate the folder containing your Photo. When you have navigated to the folder, click once on the folder name and
click on the “Select” button. (see cursor). Heres a summary of the clicks made in the Lesson screen below. Double click on c:\ Double click on igdata_sets Double click on mycybername
Double click on igpics SINGLE click on april03-1 Click on the “Select” button
After you click “Select” you will get a message box asking you “Do you wish to add this Path to the list”. Click on “Yes”
More Info: You can link to photos on another drive (or CD) if you wish. Simply click on the “Drive” pop-up at the bottom of the screen to make your selection and then navigate to the folder as described
above. Next Step