
About Special Programs

The program Special-GA901 has many purposes.
You’ll find it on the System menu tab.

All other programs on all other menu tabs have a single purpose.
GA901 is different. It is variable in purpose, and in every instance, special in purpose.

Its best explained by example.

 Lets say some problem arose on a customers computer.
I may be able to write a program to test for, and fix the problem.
I would compile the program with the program name GA901.
I can then publish this on the web site for the customer to download.
I can then ask the customer to download the program and do the fix.
The GA901 downloaded will overwrite the previous version of GA901 on the users computer.
The beauty of his method is that you dont have to download a new Menu.
The option to run, Special-GA901, is already on the menu.

That was the original purpose for that menu option.
It has proved to be a versatile feature, and has proved useful in other instances.

Here are a few examples of different instances of GA901
Example 1
Purpose: No specific purpose.

In the first issue of each product, GA901 (or its equivalent) is a “holding” program.
 Running it gave you the message:
This program is provided for Product Support purposes.

Example 2
Purpose: As an Upgrade Program

I considered a number of options for distributing the IG to IG Pro upgrade.
I wrote the upgrade code, compiled it as GA901, and distributed it on the standard installation CD.
It replaced the instance described above (Example 1)

Thus, a new user (who didnt have IG previously) could install from the CD.
They do not need to run GA901.

Exactly the same CD is sent to IG  users who buy the  IG to IG Pro upgrade
The software is installed as normal.
The IG user then runs GA901 - Special to perform the upgrade.

Example 3
Purpose: As a FIX program

Trevor from England reported that IG Pro gave a System Error when running a tutorial for the Tasks program.
He was able to inform me that this occured when he got to the step where a Calendar was to appear.
I did some research, developed a fix program and compiled it as GA901.
Its on the download menu as GA901 (05)
It can be downloaded by any other user who is having this problem.
Its downloaded as GA901-05-dl.exe
It transports GA901.exe
When installed, GA901 overwrites the previous instance of GA901.
The IG Pro user then runs GA901 - Special to perform the fix.

 Example 4
Purpose: To make Database alterations
Ideas Genie Pro is continually evolving.
Some new features require small alterations to the database tables.
Ive developed a program to test your computer, and apply the alterations if they are required.
Its on the download menu as GA901 (06)
Its downloaded as GA901-06-dl.exe
Once again:
It transports GA901.exe
When installed, GA901 overwrites the previous instance of GA901.
The IG Pro user then runs GA901 - Special to perform the Database alterations.

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