Duplicating a task for NEXT year You can reuse the information next year by using the Duplicate feature
- Start the Tasks program GA047
- In the initial screen GA047S01
Select a task for duplication and click the Duplicate button Screenshot 1d-GA047S01
- Screen GA047S11 appears
Screenshot 2d-GA047S11
In screen GA047S11
- The screen you are duplication appears on the left of the screen
- The NEW task is on the right of the screen
- The program finds the date of the same day in the next year
- You can edit any of the details as required
- Click the Add button to create a new task
Duplicating a task for a second sowing this year
Important pre-requisites:
In this demonstration, we will duplicate the task created in the Adding a task session. This task was for our First Sowings.
We added 3 plant names, and selected 3 specimens named First sowings for that task.
When we duplicate the task in this session, the same three plants will be carried
forward to our new task. However, the Specimens are NOT automatically selected, as they will NOT be the same for this new task. A second set of specimens are required. Thus,
make sure you have created Second Sowing specimens for the plants in the Task to be duplicated in this lesson, as described in the section Creating Specimens
Also make sure the Specimen have a batch reference, again as described in Creating Specimens
- Repeat steps 1 and 2 above
Get to GA047S11
In screen GA047S11 Screenshot 3d-GA047S11
- Edit the fields as required for your second sowing Task
(Task Month/Year, Task Title, Do Date/Alert days)
- In this session, leave the radio button at the default setting - Same Plants List
- Click the Add button
The initial Screen GA047S01 will re-appear At this stage, the NEW task needs to be edited to select the Second Sowing specimens
- Select your new Task and click the Edit Task button
Screen GA047S03 appears Screenshot 4d-GA047S03
In screen GA047S03
- In the Task Type box, click the Include Specimens option
- Click the Batch Restrictions button
Screen GA047S12 appears
In screen GA047S12 Screenshot 5d-GA047S12
- Double click on the lines showing specimens (not the plant names)
Note the Included column in the Column Header
Manipulate the listing until:
- the Second Sowing batches of specimens have Included (prefix)= *Yes*
- First Sowing batches have Included= No
- Close the screen
The program asks you to check the Task status and displays screen GA047S07 Screenshot 6d-GA047S07
Note how the To do on items are restricted to the items selected in screen GA047S12 The technique to restrict items in your task are described above