After the seeds have been sown, we need to update the Task Status
- Start the program Tasks - GA047
- In the initial screen, select your Task, then click the Status button
Screen GA047S07 appears Screenshot
- Select the item which has been completed
- Click the date the Task was completed for this item on the calendar (In this case on the 25th March)
- Click on the Done On button
Repeat for other specimens as necessary
- After clicking the Done On button for a number of specimens, the status looks like this:
What ifs
What if
we wanted to record the overall status of a task as Complete, leaving one item in the task NOT done? This Screenshot shows the how to enable and apply the Finish button
What if we want to re-active the task marked as Finished in the previous step? This Screenshot shows how
What if we didnt have time to sow all our seed on the planned Task date, and we need to re-schedule?
Click the Edit Dates button Screenshot Screen GA047S04 appears In GA047S04 follow these steps to reschedule the task date
- See Screenshot
Click to select the NEW date for the task in the calendar Note how the date you click moves into the Change Task Date
field In this case we are changing the date from 25th March to 3rd April
NOTE: The date in the calendar control will change when you click on the Task Date in step 2
However, the important date for this operation is the date which has moved into the Change Task Date
field. (in this case 3rd April)
- In the Task Do dates/Alert days list, click the original Task Date (25th March)
Make sure the date field caption changes to
Existing Task Date
- Enter a value for Alert Days if required
- The most important step is to click the left arrow button to apply the date change
When you click this button, a dialog box appears asking if you wish to continue with your date change. When you click the Yes button in response to this confirmation
request, the date change is applied and the task is rescheduled to the new date
- Click the Close button to return to screen GA047S07
The screen with your rescheduled task date is shown in the next screenshot Note that the Task date reschedule did NOT affect the task items which had been recorded as Done on the original date
Finishing the task We will now assume that we sowed the seed for our final Task item on the rescheduled date
In screen GA047S01:
- Click to select the item to be recorded as Done on 3rd April
- Set the Done on date to 3rd April (the rescheduled date for this task)
TIP: You can do this two ways 2a) Click the date in the Calendar -or (easier)-
2b) Click the date in the Task Do Dates list See Screenshot
- Click the Done on button
Note that you dont HAVE to do the task on the task date, and you dont HAVE to reschedule your task if you dont do the task on the planned date.
The program will allow you to record any date you select as the Done on date
When the Task is completed, screen GA047S07 looks like this:
When you click close and return to the initial screen GA047S01, you will have to change the setting of the radio buttons to see your finished task in the list Screenshot