About the screen User Guide Options - GA100S68
This is a common screen, shared by a number of programs. Screens which have on-line User Guide help have a hyperlink button at the bottom of the screen with the caption:
User Guide (for this screen). Right click on the hyperlink. A
menu shortcut appears. Click on the option User Guide Options. Screen GA100S68 appears. Screenshot GA100S04-2
In this section:
The purpose of this screen This screen allows you to set your
preference for which User Guide to open when you click a User Guide link. See the Introduction section for more detailed description of the Online User Guide and the Local User Guide.
The options Referring to Screenshot GA100S04-2, you have two options:
- Open the On-line User Guide
An Internet Connection is required. The on-line User Guide will be the most up to date
- Open the User Guide on My Computer.
This is referred to as the Local User Guide
An Internet Connection is NOT required. May open faster on demand (when you click a User Guide link)
About the Local User Guide There are now a number of options for
viewing the User Guide Locally:-
- Using a downloaded copy of the User Guide, installed onto your hard drive
The User Guide may be downloaded from the Ideas Genie Product Support website
- Using a copy of the User Guide on a CD
If you’d like a copy on CD, use Option 6 here and send me an email with your request. Ignore the item description - it covers my costs.
New customers:- From Dec 12 onwards, the User Guide will be on the CD, if you use that method of purchase.
- Using a copy of the User Guide, copied from a CD (see 2 above) and installed onto your hard drive. This gives faster access than 2 - its always quicker for your computer
to access a file (e.g. the User Guide) on hard drive than on a CD.
- Using a copy of the User Guide on a Flash Drive, external drive or network
Get a copy by download or on CD (as described above) and copy to any external or portable
- Using the User Guide in your Dropbox folder
(Surf for information on Dropbox) You need an Internet conection to connect to our Cloud based User Guide. You can do this on one
computer which has an internet connection, copy the downloaded User Guide folder (from your local Dropbox
) onto a Flash drive and take it to any other computer which you prefer not to connect to the internet.
How to get started with Dropbox and the Dropbox User Guide
Send us an email with your request to connect to our Cloud based User Guide. We invite you to join Dropbox
(we both get extra free Dropbox space by this joining up method) We share out the Dropbox User Guide folder with you. You download and install Dropbox
. In doing so, you create a special folder on your computer which is used by Dropbox. A Dropbox icon will be installed on your computer desktop.
How to download the Cloud based copy of the User Guide. Click the Dropbox icon to start the application. Dropbox
synchronises with our Cloud based User Guide folder. A copy of this folder will be installed automatically on YOUR computer, in your Dropbox folder. You may now close Dropbox. Its THAT easy!
The next section explains how to change the default location of your Local User Guide. Follow the instructions. When you click the Get a folder button, locate the Ideas Genie User Guide folder in YOUR Dropbox
(remember - it is now on your own computer).
Changing the default location of the Local User Guide
The default location for the local User Guide is the folder C:\Ideas-Genie-User-Guide If you install the User Guide in another location, you can point Ideas Genie
to that alternative location. Referring to this screenshot:
- Click the Get a folder
A windows screen will appear. Select the folder where you have installed the User Guide on YOUR computer
- Having selected the correct folder
Click the Save this location button
- If you prefer to use the LOCAL User Guide choose this option
and click the Save this setting
Ongoing - Keeping a Local User Guide up to date
- If using a downloaded User Guide:-
Keep your local User Guide up to date by downloading the latest version when available. Visit the Ideas Genie Product Support website for details
- If using a Cloud based copy of the User Guide:-
You can refresh your Cloud based copy of the User Guide very easily. Click the Dropbox icon on your computer to start the application. Dropbox
once again synchronises with our Cloud based User Guide folder. A copy of this folder will be installed automatically on YOUR computer, in your Dropbox
folder Effortlessly, you once again have the most recent copy of our User Guide, automatically copied to your own computer. Its that easy! Remember - once you connect, give
Dropbox a few minutes to synchronise and download your refreshed copy of the User Guide. You can then
close Dropbox and disconnect from thje internet if you wish.