Ideas Genie
Software for Plants and Gardens

by Ideas for
User Guide - Applies to Ideas Genie Pro 6 and Bonsai Genie 6
Last updated: 7th December 2024

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Plant Culture/Property
 classifications- GA603

Plants and Gardens-GA604

Garden Photos - GA605

Articles - GA607

Plant Care
Classifications GA611

My Garden - GA616

Pots & Containers - GA628

Specimens - GA629

Link Photos - GA630

Reviews - GA632


Web Projects - GA642

Tasks - GA647

GA100 screens



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Ideas Genie User Guide
The Plants and Gardens program - GA604
The Options Tab

The Help buttons - Screenshot

Referring to this screenshot

The Save Settings button
Referring to this screenshot
Click this button to make the selected settings apply next time you start the program GA604.
Click BEFORE you click the Refresh button.

The Refresh button
Referring to this screenshot
Click this button when you have made your selection(s) in the Options screen
The Options tab will close and the last listing of plants will be displayed (The Plants tab or the Gardens tab)

Options for Adding Plants
Referring to this screenshot
There are 3 options (or methods) for Adding Plants.
The method you choose persists each time you click the Add a plant button

  1. Key every data field. Use this if you need to add a plant to YOUR database which is not in the Master Database
  2. Search and Add is the default and recommended.
    You can search the Master Database for the plant you wish to add. If not found, you can click on a button which takes you to the same screen as in method 1
  3. One line data entry
    Use this if you are not familiar with botanical names for plants. You can copy the full name of a plant found on the internet into a "one line" field for adding.
    Not recommended since plant NAMES on the internet are not always correct.

NOTE: You can ALSO choose a method for adding a plant by RIGHT clicking the ADD a plant button in screen GA604S01. See this screenshot
The method you select persists when you left click (as normal) on the Add a Plant button.

The Full and Short radio button options
Referring to this screenshot and demonstrating by example.
When Full is selected the plant in this photo in listed in the Plants (and Gardens) listing as:
Rosa Newly Wed (='Dicwhynot') .
This is a "trade name" plant. The cultivar name is Dicwhynot.
The Trade name is Newly Wed
When Short is selected the plant is listed more simply as:
Rosa Newly Wed

The Show = sign in Full Trade Names checkboxes.
Referring to the same screenshot
This checkbox appears ONLY when Full is selected.
When checked the above plant is listed as shown above.
When UN-checked the above plant is listed as:-
Rosa Newly Wed 'Dicwhynot'

The Choose “Do” options from checkboxes.
Referring to this screenshot
"Do" options refer to what happens when you click on a plant in the Plants Tab listings and the Gardens Tab listings.

  • Shortcut Menu
    When checked and you click on a plant name, the default Toolbar window GA100S70 is NOT displayed.
    Instead, when you Right click on a plant name, a Shortcut Menu will appear.
    That menu will have the same options found on the Toolbar GA100S70.
  • a) Toolbar window
    When checked (the recommended default) and you click on a plant name, the default Toolbar window GA100S70 is displayed. Drag this window to the left so it doesnt obscure your list of plants each time it appears.
  • b) Click twice to show Toolbar
    This checkbox does not appear until you check (a) above.
    You could select this option if you dont want the Toolbar screen GA100S70 appearing every time you click on the name of a plant.
    Click again and the Toolbar will appear.

Show Total Cost Price and Show Total Sell Price
Referring to this screenshot
Applies to plants listed under the Gardens tab ONLY.
Referring to this screenshot for COST prices
These check boxes allow display of either Cost prices or Sell Prices in the list of plants for the selected garden area when the Gardens tab is clicked.

Note that Cost and Sell Prices are found in the data you enter in the Specimen profile records for the plants listed.
To change or specify a Cost or Sell price for your specimens, click on the name of a plant.
Existing Specimen records for that plant are shown.
(You may click on the line "Click to Add a Specimen" to add a specimen record if necessary)
Click on a specimen line.
The Specimen Toolbar GA100S69 appears.
Click on the "Edit Profile" button.
Screen GA100S23 appears allowing you to enter values for Cost and Sell prices for the selected specimen.

Shrink Options
Referring to this screenshot:
These options control the positioning of the Toolbar after the Shrink button on the toolbar screen is  clicked.
The toolbar is shrunk at the current position of the toolbar. It can be dragged to another position. When Normal is clicked the toolbar is maximised at the latest position.

The toolbar is shrunk at a pre-programmed position. The shrunk toolbar can be moved to another position, but when a plant is clicked it re-appears in the Dock position.

NOTE that the Do Last button is visible in the Shrunk mode.
Clicking that button executes the last action prior to clicking the Shrink button.
e.g. In Normal mode, You select a plant, you click Edit in the toolbar, you click Shrink in the toolbar, you select another plant, you click Do Last . Ideas Genie repeats the last action and the Edit screen appears.

Other screens in this program are shown on this page


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